Ecstatic Birth Preparation is a call to redefine our understanding of childbirth so as to transform the experience from something a woman has to endure into one that she can ENJOY.
Our societal structures have trained us to abdicate all responsibility for our bodies and our care to our practitioners. When a woman deeply inhabits her body, she can find her power, confidence and wisdom within, without the need to rely on an outsider’s influence or authority. Her primary need, then, becomes the unconditional support from her loved ones, who help her fulfil her potential as a woman and a mother.
Ecstatic Birth Preparation honours women’s innate body wisdom.
When a birthing woman feels safe, unobserved and uninhibited, her body starts releasing a fine combination of hormones, including oxytocin and beta-endorphin, which lead her into an altered state or birth trance. This state is essential to the optimal unfolding of birth. Oxytocin, also known as the hormone of love and bonding, is also released during arousal and orgasm, stimulating that feeling of closeness to our partners. After birth, the body is flooded with the most amount of oxytocin a woman will ever experience in her life! This enables her to fall in love and bond deeply with her baby.