Honouring and caring for a new mother is an Art.
I offer a range of services to nurture, replenish and support a new mother:
Belly Binding
There are many benefits to binding your belly following birth:
It helps to prevent excessive bleeding of the womb
It can reduce birth ‘afterpains’
It aligns the abdominal organs, including the womb, back to their original position. This enhances your body’s capacity for self-repair
It prevents prolapse of the womb
It provides posture support during breastfeeding
It offers the mother a sense of security and comforting support
I offer two types of belly binding; the Mexican faja and the Malaysian bengkung belly bind. A consultation will help us determine which one would suit you best.
1h session - £70
La Cerrada Ceremony
La Cerrada is a traditional Mexican postnatal ceremony to honour and nurture the new mother.
La Cerrada begins with a herbal immersion bath to cleanse, heal and soothe the new mother’s body. The herbal blend is carefully selected to meet the mother’s individual needs. A 20-30 min soak is ideal to receive the full benefits of the healing plants.
After her bath, the new mother is kept warm and laid down over rebozos to begin the sealing ceremony. Pregnancy and birth are opening experiences on the emotional, physical and spiritual levels. According to traditional Mexican medicine, a woman needs support to close her physical and energetic body after her baby is born. This preserves her energy and realigns her being. It is her time to be held, cared for and celebrated. Seven rebozos are used to wrap her body from head to toe whilst two people (including me and another person of her choice), hold her on either side.
From the physical perspective, la Cerrada facilitates the return of the womb, abdominal organs and pelvic bones back to their original position. This can be further supported with a combined abdominal massage and belly bind.
La Cerrada can be very healing for women who have experienced a miscarriage or a still birth. All women need to feel safe, held and cared for through difficult times.
2h session - £120
Compassionate support after a difficult birth experience
If you are feeling unsettled, anxious, overwhelmed and/or are having difficulty bonding and attaching with your baby, please get in touch. These may be signs of birth related trauma. I offer emotional support and compassionate witnessing to help you and your baby express what you may not have been able to at the time. I will listen to your story, acknowledge your feelings, and suggest gentle healing practices for you and your baby to release the unwanted memories of your birth experience and create new foundations for your relationship.
1h session - £70